Science Resources Page
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NASA Solar System Exploration
Why Is It Called The "Solar" System?
There are many planetary systems like ours in the universe, with planets orbiting a host star. Our planetary system is named the "solar" system because our Sun is named Sol, after the Latin word for Sun, "solis," and anything related to the Sun we call "solar."
Air & Space Museum
Our learning resources bring the National Air and Space Museum’s one-of-a-kind collections and world class research to you, anywhere and anytime. Explore aerodynamics through hands on activities, discover the science behind spy planes, earthquakes or volcanoes in a STEM in 30 episode or listen to stories of achievement, failure, and perseverance on our AirSpace podcasts. All of our resources will spark learner’s curiosity and the beginning of their aviation and aerospace adventure!
NASA's Climate Kids
NASA offers students so many wonderful opportunities to learn about different aspects of science and with their Climate Kids site it’s no different. Focusing on Earth’s climate and the impact of global change, the site features activities, games, videos, and more. It’s a great site for a science learning station when you are studying climate and climate changes.
My First Garden
There are few things that bring science to life like hands-on gardening. If you have never had your students plant a seed or plan a garden, add it into your lesson plans for this school year. They will learn so much and have a great time doing it. My First Garden is a fantastic website that helps students plan out what they want to plant and gives them the history and needed growing conditions for the plants they select. Cultivating young learners is what this site is all about.